Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dad Where Are You

My Dad

I played with him.

I walked with him.

I learned from him.

He was my mate, my friend,

He was a source of inspiration.

I shared with him my joys,

laughters and tears.

He enjoyed my jokes,

laughed with me and

wiped out my tears.

He hugged me, kiss me and

wandering his fingers in my hairs.

He was a shelter, a support

and a courage for me.

Now all is lost, Dad where are you,

Without you, I would be lost.


  1. I want to dedicate this poem to my great Father, He left this world on 25th of March 2012.

    May Allah him Jannat-ul-Firdous. (Ameen)

  2. --------------------------
    كل نفس ذائقة الموت
    I am sorry to hear the sad news of your dearly/friendly father's tragic demise.
    I lost mine almost two years ago.
    I can tell the feelings.

    مرنے والے کی جبیں روشن تھی اس ظلمات میں
    جس طرح ستارے چمکتے ہیں اندھیری رات میں
    مرنے والے مر تو جاتے ہیں لیکن فنا ہوتے نہیں
    وہ حقیقت میں کبھی پیاروں سے جدا ہوتے نہیں

    May Allah give your dad good place in the Herafter which is jannatul firdous.
    tariq mian

  3. IT is pleasure for me that you not only like my poem but also pasted on your's blog's wall. May Allah keep your father's soul in Jannat-ul-Fidous.
